About hcollier

I am an attorney in Foley, Alabama that primarily handles criminal, family, and estate planning matters. I have been in private practice for the last few years and I enjoy fighting for my clients. Prior to becoming an attorney, I worked for the Alabama Board of Pardons and Paroles Legal Division, in Montgomery, AL, while in law school. I use my knowledge gained while working at the Board and the contacts I have developed to help my criminal clients, as well as those seeking an earlier parole or pardon. I love helping other clients handle what is often the most difficult time in their lives and that of their children, which is going through a divorce. I am compassionate and there for my clients when they need me. I do the best I can to help them through any uncertainty they may have following this often emotional experience and answer the questions they may have. My goal is to help them get through this difficult period while making sure their rights and entitlements are preserved through the Court system and they get the best possible outcome for their divorce and custody matters. Estate planning is also something near and dear to my heart. I have been doing estate planning since 2010. However, upon losing my youngest sister at the tender age of 23 earlier this year, it has taken on new meaning. Helping those plan for such unavoidable circumstances has become a cause of mine that I encourage everyone to pursue. Estate planning does so much to help your family after you are gone, that you owe it to both yourself and to them to have all of your wishes known. Helpful things to consider include: Wills, Durable Power of Attorney and Advanced Health Care Directives, as well as establishing a Trust, if practical.

  TYPES OF BOND IN ALABAMA Bond in Alabama can take many forms. Some of the most common forms that you have probably heard of are as follows: 1. Own recognizance/Signature Bond: This is reserved for cases that are likely misdemeanors, or where the original bond is set quite low. The person charged promises by…

Parole Process in Alabama Many people want what is best for their loved ones who are incarcerated in Alabama.  Many people wonder, “Can I get him or her out of prison”?   This is why I taught at a CLE (continuing legal education seminar) with this premise in mind.  There, I explained to other attorneys the…

Parole Revocation Considerations: Many Clients have come to me after they have had their parole revoked by the Alabama Board of Pardons and Paroles. They have failed to take into account key considerations when deciding whether to plea to new charges, whether to hire an attorney for the parole revocation on prior charges, etc. This can…

Submitting information in a parole hearing claiming that it is from the victim and in favor of an inmate’s parole is never a good tactic. I personally do everything I can to avoid instances such as the one attached from happening. I employ the following methods and perhaps the defense attorney on this matter should…

TALKING WITH AN ATTORNEY: When you are speaking with an attorney, be sure to remember the following considerations: 1. We are people just like you. We are attorneys for a living and many of us genuinely enjoy helping people in their time of need. When we take time out of our weekends/ time with our…

Honesty With Attorneys: Many people come to an attorney thinking they can tell them the minimum about their situation and garner maximum results. This simply is not the case.  Unfortunately, it has happened much more lately than I care to admit. As attorneys, we ask questions for a reason and we assume those answers are…

1. I owe arrears for child support and have a warrant for my arrest. How do I get the warrant lifted? You will need to appear in Court to get the warrant lifted. Many judges will make you pay “purge payments” toward the arrears owed before you will be released from jail. 2. Can I…

I get questions daily about protection from abuse orders. Here are some of the questions asked this week regarding protection from abuse orders and my answers. 1. I have a PFA against “Tony”. “Tony” will pay me to drop it. Is this legal? You cannot pay someone to drop a protection from abuse order they…

This change in filing fees could not have come at a worse time for many who have worked so hard to save for the filing of their immigration petitions. Beginning December 23, 2016, the filing fees for fees increased for two applications typically needed when a U.S. citizen petitions for permanent residency for a spouse…

NEW BOARD MEMBERS…A TIME FOR NEW BEGINNINGS New changes are taking place at the Alabama Board of Pardons and Paroles.  Recently, longtime board member Robert P. Longshore announced his retirement.  Eddie Cook, former Assistant Executive Director to Phil Bryant, took Mr. Longshore’s place.  On the heels of his retirement also comes the retirement of longtime…

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