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Heather’s answer: I am not exactly sure what you are asking. Do you wish to terminate mom and dad’s parental rights? Do you want a final custody determination? I suggest scheduling a consult with a local attorney.
How can I get a date a warrant was signed from district court: I have an active warrant in District court. I have the warrant number from the on-line Sheriff site. How can I find out the date it was issued. The jail cannot see that, only booking/release dates
Heather’s answer: I am not exactly sure what you are asking. Do you wish to terminate mom and dad’s parental rights? Do you want a final custody determination? I suggest scheduling a consult with a local attorney.
My question is, is or how is it possible for this to happen or be legal? Using child support to pay back lawyer fees??: My wife’s ex-husband has be ordered to pay child support for 2 of the children. Out of the amount ordered comes a car payment and paying him back for his attorney fees, which he filed against her. So as of now, she receives no child support for the 2 children. So he has, in a sense, used the system to avoid paying child support and made my wife’s life (our life) hell because of this. I myself am taking care of them however, he has a responsibility that he is avoiding.
Heather’s answer: It seems as though there may be more to the story or the child support was not properly calculated. You need to contact your wife’s attorney for specifics, as none of us on the forum have the final order issued in this matter.