I recently worked a legal aid clinic in Mobile, Alabama. During the time that I was there, there were several cases that have come through the door that had child support as the main issue.

And the cases that I assisted with, there were people that were still paying child support for children that were well into their adult years.

One of the most common mistakes that I see people make is to continue paying child support after the child has already turned 19 years of age. This is a problem due to the fact that the custodial parent who is receiving child support is not going to petition the court to stop receiving child support in most cases. Not only that, but the state does not quit taking child support out of your check every month once the child reaches the age of majority.

If you are paying child support for children who have reached the age of majority which in Alabama is 19, you need to be proactive about your situation.

I strongly suggest that you file a petition to modify child support along with an affidavit due to the fact that the child has reached adulthood.

If you have a past due child support, the past due child support will need to be caught up before your obligation will end.

For complex child support matters, I strongly suggest you contact an attorney to help you.

If you are looking for an attorney to help modify your child support call 251 943 4870 today!

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